How to Speed Up Muscle Strain Recovery
Causes of Muscle Strain
If you’ve ever felt that lingering twinge of pain in your lower back after moving heavy furniture, you understand the pain caused by muscle strain. The main causes of muscle strain include fatigue, overuse, or improper use of a muscle. When the muscles aren’t fully stretched before exercising or if they’re subjected to continual repetitive motions or a single improper motion, the muscles can overstretch or partially or fully tear. Muscle strain injuries can result in pain, decreased range of motion, swelling, and bruising.
Out of Commission
The most common piece of advice for dealing with muscle strain is to “keep off it.” Resting the injured area and protecting it from further damage is generally considered to be the best way to allow the muscles to heal. As part of the RICE protocol, resting the area takes priority during recovery. It is important to avoid re-injuring the muscles or causing additional pain.
As we’ve explored previously, however, too much rest can be detrimental to a speedy recovery. A prolonged period of inactivity can slow both blood flow and the lymphatic system’s processes, both of which are necessary components of healing muscle strain. So, as with anything, moderation and balance become key. Keeping the injured area protected and pain-free is important, but alternating rest with periods of light stretching or gentle movement can speed up muscle strain recovery.
Don’t Dehydrate!
Athletes know how important hydration can be. Inadequate water intake can lead to muscle cramps and even put you at increased risk for muscle strain. Proper hydration can be just as important in recovering from muscle strain as preventing it. Keeping muscles limber and preventing any tension is key for performing the gentle movements necessary for a quick recovery in a pain-free way. When looking to speed up your recovery, it’s important to make sure you’re staying hydrated.
Maintain Energy
Water intake isn’t the only thing you shouldn’t ignore during recovery. Maintaining an adequate energy level is important as well. Studies advice avoiding deficiencies in energy, protein, and micronutrients while recovering from a muscle strain injury.
The Rest of RICE
Engaging in alternating periods of rest and light movement can certainly help speed up muscle strain recovery. It’s easier to get back into your exercise routine if you never fully stop moving and never allow your muscles to get stiff with disuse. Res
What about the rest of the RICE protocol, though?
RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. As with resting or inactivity, experts recommend that the rest of the RICE method can certainly help suppress symptoms of muscle injury, but should be undertaken in moderation.
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The information in this article should not be considered medical advice. As always, consult your healthcare professional for specific medical questions and healthcare advice.